Sunday, 2 August 2015

There is one Superwoman
You probably think that superheroes don´t exist but what if I told you there is one specific hero that does exist? Would you believe me? You better do, because Superwoman is a real, living superhero whose actual name is Lily Singh, whose actual home is Canada and whose actual superpower is to make you laugh and feel good. I introduce to you – iiSuperwomanii 

 “Some make wishes at shooting stars and some work for their dreams”, as Lily says, “If you have dreams and work really, really hard on them, they´ll come true.” 

Lily is definitely the one who works for her dreams (which is to make us smile and increase her YouTube family) and who deserves every attention and appreciation she can get for her work! Since I can´t think of a YouTuber who puts more effort into her videos that Lily. They are all always well-thought, on point, hilarious but also inspirational and Lily truly tries to keep her promises about posting regularly while other big YouTubers don´t even apologize for not posting.
That makes Lily special; the fact that she stayed down to earth, appreciates her subscribers as friends and is thankful for every single one. I know some celebrities who have changed, become kind of boastful, but not Lily.

To be closer to her subscribers Lily has a free Newsletter which she sends once a month. It contains among others a personal letter, information about what happened and will happen, a secret video and 5 random facts; 

for example 5.) I´ve dated boys with names of all three backstreet boys #squadgoals 

The YouTube family of iiSuperwomanii is called TeamSuper and the way Lily thanks her family is very unique, too. While others make giveaways with iMacs, gift cards, canon cameras, Lily thanks her subscribers with doing special videos as gifts. So once she uploaded a collaboration video every day up to Christmas (which was a wonderful Christmas present btw), or made a video together with one subscriber, or allied with the awesome actor Kunal Nayyar from Big Bang theory to shoot a video. 

Speaking of actors, I believe Lily is an awesome actor, although she declines that. However I admire her acting skills to transform into her parents Paramjeet and Manjeet and make funny videos as them. I especially enjoy those videos. 

Lily is not just gifted with entertaining people but she can dance, sing, rap well which she shows in some of her videos and which she showed on her world tour that recently ended. Just after this successful, insanely big project Lily already works on the next project. Currently she shoots a documentary about her world tour which I´ll for sure go watching with another friend who is too an unicorn of #TeamSuper like me. 

 I really believe the most precious existing superpower is to make others laugh and make them feel good, set positive ideas in their minds. And that is exactly what Lily achieves with her YouTube videos. 

So, please check out Lily´s channel and subscribe if you like her content and if she manages to make you smile. 

And also subscribe to this blog, so you´ll be notified next time I post. -> Both is free

Thank you a lot for reading! I hope you liked this post if yes, I am thankful about every like and comment. 

That´s it for today, See ya! 

Your Mary (((o(*^ v^*)o))) 

Last word from Lily: "You are all superwoman and supermen.” 

Do you know Ryan Higa? He is also a brilliantly funny YouTuber like Lily Check out my post abut him - here

Click here to go to iiSuperwomanii ´s channel

1 comment:

  1. Thank you a lot for reading! I hope you liked this post if yes, have a peek at these guysI am thankful about every like and comment.


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